July 16, 1999
My friends Marisa, Jeremy, Di, and Jesse, returned from a showing of the Blair Witch Project with very positive reviews. I had read all the hype and been following it since the Sundance and Cannes film festivals, so I decided I would go see it the next day.

July 17, 1999My girlfriend and I stop at the Bridge Theater in San Francisco on our way back from Muir Woods and the Marin Headlands with hopes of catching a showing of the Blair Witch Project. It was around 7:00pm when we got to the Bridge and the poster of the Blair Witch Project had a piece of paper taped over it that read, "Saturday SOLD OUT", not to mention the hordes of people standing in various lines. That meant we weren't going to be seeing the 7:30p or 9:45p shows there.

The ONLY OTHER other theater it was playing at was the Act 1 & 2 in Berkeley. So we drove there, arrived at 7:30p and found that we weren't going to be seeing it there either as the last two shows were also sold out. To aggrivate things more, they weren't going to be selling tickets for the next day until after 9:30p. It was at this point that I decided to boycott the movie.

I Xplained to my friends that I thought the filmmakers and movie company were a bunch of wusses because they new they had a hot movie, one that plenty of people wanted to and would go to see, and they only opened it in 27 theaters. It's not scheduled for major release until July 30th. Somehow this is "cool" or "good marketing", but I disagree. I seem to recall a movie called Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace that probably had to live up to more Xpectations than any other movie in history. The amount of hype for the new Star Wars movie was so large, that the universe nearly imploded due to the gravitational force of it all. Star Wars didn't wuss out, they released the movie everywhere all the time, you had to try really hard to find another movie to watch. It received bad reviews, but Lucas didn't care.

Eduardo Sanchez, Dan Myrick, and Haxan Films on the other hand are a bunch of weenies who finally have a hit movie and are doing all they can to milk the movie instead of just giving the public what it wants. Lots of people want to see it, so let them see it.

July 18, 1999Marisa tells me that she and some friends are going to see it on Tuesday, and were going to get advanced tickets. She asked if I wanted to go. I politely declined, continuing my boycott (I do go to U.C. Berkeley, it's now in my blood).

July 20, 1999I get back home from work and Marisa tells me they were unable to get tickets, missed it by 10 people, because they're selling tickets 5 days in advance now.

July 21, 1999I make my first visit to http://www.blairwitch.com/ and being as I teach kids Advanced Web Design and Flash all day, the idea to spoof the site dawns on me. I begin work that afternoon.